Monday, November 27, 2006


Originally uploaded by patographs.

Hello all!! for the family out there that have not gotten to meet our new puppy. . .this is a picture of her! I found her on the streets of New Orleans in an abandoned area of town. I brought her back to the ATL for Thanksgiving. She is pretty great. We are still a little up in the air with her name. We're down to two names. Jim Bang (because she looks like a little dumpling) and Nola (short for new orleans, LA). Chris thinks Nola is too prissy. Any opinions?


elaine said...

I thought the vote was official! N.O.L.A.

D Lee said...

nola is way pansy. Jim Bang is the way to go.

D Lee said...

or kimchi or gogi

CHL said...

Prissiness withstanding, I feel that even pronunciation is a big factor for a dogs name. Something easy to say also something easily discernable for the dog. I think that NO-LA, can be too easily confused with "NO!". I think that might present some problems and confusion for the dog in the future. My $.02

D Lee said...

Chris makes a good point. Every time you yell No! Gogi is going to get excited and think you're calling her.

p.lee. said...

true true. . .I do like Jim Bang as a name. . . .and she is very responsive when you say "no!".