Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Hey guys,

I just wanted to say Happy New Years!

Jason and his girlfriend Emily came to visit me for the New Years. It was a lot of fun hanging out with them and seeing Chris off :(

I bought an air mattress to accomodate my visitors, and it took up my whole living room! I should have taken a picture to post on the website. On New Year's Eve, Jason, Emily, and I went to my college friend's house for a party! Jason and Emily didn't even make it until New Years! On the 1st, we went to Koreatown and had duk gook. After brunch, we brought Chris and his friends some duk gook too. For most of Jason's visit, I had to work :( But, on their last night, I took them out to two dinners and dessert to make up for lost time! The whole weekend was a blast, and I encourage you all to come visit me! I have a great air mattress for you to sleep on!

PATRICIA - I have American Airlines money that I need to use. . . When is a good time to book a flight for NOLA??

1 comment:

p.lee. said...

aww! I really need to visit nyc and see your place! Sounds like a nice New Year celebration. Pretty much every weekend will be the same for me, so let me know when you plan to come down and I'll double check that I'll be here! Can't wait for you to visit!