Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Hey everyone! just wanted to let you guys know that my dad has a website up now! the url is: Dad's Website

This was another project that kept me busy during my month of unemployment. It's super basic, but a fun first website to make! Chris will probably fancy it up once biology and bio-chem are out of his hair!

Also, this is the website for the company I just got hired onto!
Code Green Solutions
If anyone knows somebody building any large projects that would like some green consulting, let me know!!! :). The company is looking to expand and projects in california and elsewhere are welcome!

hope everyone is doing well!! post some updates!!


Auntie W said...


Beautiful website for your Dad--way to go!

And I'm so proud of you--your company looks so cool and I'm so happy that you're working to make the world a better place!

p.lee. said...

Thanks Auntie Wilma! How was your trip to Italy???? Hope you had a great bday trip!