Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Mythbusters

HI! Hope everyone is doing well. I have a story I'd like verified as true or false. I remember hearing a story about how when Grandma was little she found a tiger on the side of the road and her family raised it until it got too big and it needed more food than they could provide so they than gave it away to a zoo. Is this true?!?!? It would be pretty awesome if it was.



CHL said...

I always assumed it was true.

I think the real myth that need to be busted is the whole Sea-Breeze-Myst / Rick Martin falout. I always thought they made a good couple.

Auntie W said...

I asked Grandma & she said her grandfather's nephew or brother was a truckdriver who found the tiger cub. Only a well-to-do family could take care of a tiger cub since regular people would need all the meat they could get to feed their own family. So, they brought the tiger cub to Grandma's dad's house who could afford to feed it. Soon, the tiger got too big and they'd have to build a special pen for it which was way too expensive, and it was eating a LOT of meat, so they donated it to the Seoul Zoo. Cool, P'trish! I had never heard that story!!

By the way, we had a nice 79th birthday sushi dinner w/mango birthday cake for Grandmama to night. She's so cute & energetic. :)

Sable Caine said...

I heard that story too a long time ago and wondered. Thanks for clearing that up

DanDan said...

who is sea breeze myst?